Medium-Term Management Plan

In April 2023, the TOMEN DEVICES Group adopted a new Medium-Term Management Plan.

Position of Medium-Term Management Plan

We have organized the relationship between our Mission, Vision, Value and Materiality.
We believe that this will clarify our roadmap for achieving sustainable growth while fulfilling our social responsibilities and helping to accelerate the execution of our business strategy.

Quantitative Targets for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2026

Business policy

Develop strategies for each area and practice portfolio management (the appropriate resource allocation of people, goods, and money).


We plan to tackle the following to raise the value of the Group's existence and become a listed company and semiconductor trading company capable of sustainable growth.

  • To achieve greater customer satisfaction and to work to acquire new customers by introducing a wider range of products and functions of the Samsung Group and by reinforcing our proposal capabilities through the development of a system for handling advanced technologies and quality.
  • To enhance our support systems in Japan and overseas by using the Group's overseas operation bases and logistics functions and work to further strengthen our business relationships and expand our business with customers by providing optimal solutions from a customer perspective based on useful information on the products in which we deal.
  • To develop the expertise of employees so they can think and act independently by enhancing their skills and the knowledge required to perform their duties, and to develop autonomous human resources who are able to respond to changes in the business environment.
  • In this period of rapid change and uncertainty, we aim to raise awareness and sensitivity among executives and employees of the Group regarding the risks associated with new and existing businesses, and pursue comprehensive risk management on a group-wide basis by swiftly conducting appropriate measures and appropriately implementing the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle.
  • Looking at "with/after COVID-19" era and new working styles, we aim at establishing sustainable business models by rebuilding operating processes to facilitate remote work, responding to "paperless" environmental claims, reinforcing the use of digital data in coordination with others, and dealing with the worldwide advance of digital transformation, including in customer interaction.
  • Recognizing the importance of corporate social responsibility, particularly the importance of relationships with stakeholders, all executives and employees of the Group aim to strengthen ESG initiatives and steadily promote measures to enhance its corporate value while achieving a balance between investment for growth and strengthening of the management base. This is done from long-term perspective through measures such as creating new business opportunities through climate change and other environmental initiatives, developing human resources which are the greatest management resource in a trading company, and building a sophisticated governance system as a foundation.
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